What are you talking about? The only communist "brother" of theirs still in existence is Cuba. The Soviet Union and China were never that close. North Korea is closer to China than it was to the Soviets.
I'm talking about Yogoslavia. The Russians got so heated up back in 98 that they programmed all their missiles to aim at NATO countries, yet never had the guts to because they are not as powerful as they once were, before the US "saved them from harsh communism"

BTW you guys, I didn't put a smilie beside the planes crashing because I think the death of 3000 people was funny. I think it's funny because most of you still don't have a clue about why you were attacked. No it's not because they hate democracy like Bush told you guys, you are not the only country in the world with an elected Dictator (it's ironic isn't it, but when you think globally, what do you think Bush is?) yet you are one of the two countries that constantly receive trouble. Think about what your government's policy have in common with Isreal's.

You guys are fighting all those wars that you think are freeing up people's lives. But do they really think that way? (Don't ask for research proof, I don't go around Iraq tape recording people's opinions, but perhaps you should read their local newspapers and find out) You say you are fighting against terror, others think you are a dictator desperate for colonial land. Remember, the Germans used a similar excuse when they started a whole bunch of fights with other countries - a war to end all wars.

Last thing, I find it really funny that you guys are rating me based on this crap. Afterall, the number of trucks under my name should represent how helpful I am at helping my offroading and Xterra buddies out, not my political view of the world. It's funny how a bit of political discussion is bringing up so much heat on an Xterra club. Well glad this is happening on a forum. If this is after a day off trailing, mixed with a few cans of beer, we'd be starting a bit fight by now laugh