Comrade Uzbad....

For a computer guy you really make it difficult to follow your posts. Start quoting correctly. All the following quotes are yours....

No taxation without representation.
This was a theme when the US were a bunch of colonies of England. This has nothing to do with you. This does not apply to present day ungrateful immigrants who are here for money and have no interest in citizenship. Besides... there is no law stating this. You want to work here, you pay taxes comrade.

You dont paying same amount on taxes as i am. So back off
Why not? Is there some kind of Russian tax I am not aware of. Do immigrants get taxed at a higher rate? This is more of your bullshit. You are a resident alien (I hope you are here legally). Beyond the fees for that, how else are you paying more than the rest of us? Also please explain how medical insurance that you purchase on your own is more expensive than that for a US citizen the same age who purchases his own insurance? Unless you are from Chernobyl, this sounds like another lie. You just don't like paying for anything that your former shithole government provided. Too fucking bad.

Yes, i did say that with USSR people had certainty and believe in future.
Yeah some future. I guess you are living it. It never had any future comrade. It was destined to go broke and crumble under it's own weight. How many millions were killed for the good of the state.

I am curious how you refuse to address the untold millions of Soviet citizens murdered by their own government.

Call them and ask if you will be eligible to collect it being citizen of other country.
Resident aliens who pay into the sytem are eligible. You can live here your whole life here without becoming a citizen. They collect SocSec. I know senior citizens who are resident aliens who collect. Maybe there is a special law covering just you. There must be something you are not telling us regarding this matter. Are you hiding something? Are you here legally?

Yes i dont like to work 10-14 hours each day so some prick can live off it.
Welcome to everyone's problems with the system. Many of those pricks are from former USSR. I don't like communist liars being here even one hour a day.

Pardon? What the heck wiping my ass have to do with it? You mean i have to pay taxes yet goverment wont let monkey bum about my needs? Sounds familiar. Thats what most of countries got at the moment.
It was kind of a in you want government to do everything for you. I am not surprised you didn't get it. A lot of you people from USSR have no sense of humor. Like a bunch of emotionless Frankensteins with a hammer and sickle stamped on your head.

I am speaking about facts of life that your "former soviet" friends had to lie about. Are you AWARE what it took them to immigrate here? THey had to stand in huge lines from 100s people to get into embassy, then they had to sign lots of crap and say same lot of crap so they would be accepted as "poor and opressed". Whole pile of them were worthless piece of shit that really just tried to escape to "america where all dreams will come true". So now they are all here and they cant even speak English after couple dozens of years.
The Soviets I have known are not friends.

Too bad you didn't feel like standing in line. I thought you Soviets were used to that. How many hours for a roll of toilet paper?

A couple of dozen years.... try a dozen years comrade. I know it seems like a long time since the workers paradise collapsed. Have you tried Cuba? They provide everything you need...well except maybe freedom. Who needs that right comrade?

Again... by your post it sounds like you are here illegally.

Lets see, so first you implied you are paying for me
We are paying a lot of your former countryman. Something sounds wrong with your story as I have said. I am glad you never received any handouts. Good for you if you are telling the truth. It's a positive in your favor.

I am software engineer, or programmer if you must. "these skills" are not of your concern.
That is by no means a special skill. There are many US citizens who do the same thing and they are out of work. Many on this board. There is nothing special about you comrade.

As of "political" picture - i was many time checked by department of defense and other agencies and granted certain set of licenses to deal with export of technologies that are in the sphere of national interest of USA. And it was back in times of cold war, and after that. I do believe they are more strict in certain ways than you are.
Of course they would check you out. A Russian in the USA working on technology for export during the Cold War. Why did you post this? Did you think this was unusual?

How about you shutting the fuck up and stop criticizing our country. A country that supplies you with a good livelihood. A country that you have no interest in becoming a citizen. You have been here since the Cold War and still have no interest in becoming a citizen? I would also think you would write better after all these years. No one expects you to win a spelling bee, but your writing could be a little easier to read.

I hope you write code better.

Will your son be an American? He is now. Will he stay that way comrade? (Just curious)

There are many untruths in what you have said comrade. I am hoping you clear these things up.