Originally posted by Mobycat:

O'Reilly? No, he's not that extreme. He just puts out some incorrect info, and when he is called on it, doesn't retract. And while he says his show is a "spin-free" zone, he is a master at it...shutting off people's mics, shouting them down, not letting them finish their views.

Examples of yours? I guess the most glaring (to me) is the perceived generalization that muslims are bad. I have gotten the impression that you think the religion is inherently bad.
I'm not sure I agree that he spins shit. I have seen him make corrections of previous things he has said. There are some issues I disagree with the guy. As far as shutting off people's microphones, if it happens they more then deserve it. Haven't you ever noticed that a lot of the Democratic consultants and outright lefties that he invites on the show sometimes don't shut up and give the other guests a chance to talk. I would shut the mic too. They are told to keep their answers to a time minimum. The mic gets shut only on people who want to monopolize the show and the airtime. Other shows do it too.

You are wrong about my opinions of Muslims. I have never said that Muslims are bad. I think Islam itself is a problem. You are more then welcome to challenge me on any facts I have posted regarding Islam. Since when is stating facts extremism? A little dose of reality and some research might be warranted on your part. This is too large of a subject to deal with in one post.

Care to view some sermons?
