Man, I hate to see people quarrel over utter crap. I think this website it still very useful, and to anyone who is thinking of buying an Xterra, or already owns one, it can be an invaluable FREE tool. Sure, there is crap going on in places, but who cares about that?

I like some of the non-Nissan Xterra related talk. It's good to see what other people think. Flaming and the like is NEVER called for, but it comes with the territory when a bunch of 'net geeks get behind the keyboard.

Sad to see long-time posters bid farewell, and I even did it myself once not too long ago. But I came back because there is very useful, and interesting stuff to be had here.

Man, I just wish we didn't have to always have a thread that is so personal. It hurts people sometimes.

One more thing: Consider Paxil. It works.