
Basically you post too much bullshit and lies to quote everything. But I will attempt to correct some of your BS.

You have been a member here for over 2 years. Much longer than I have. Not one year.

I do not lie. I state my opinions. I also dispute bullshit posted by you and some others and I usually present valid facts to back up my arguments. If I am wrong about something I freely admit it.

As far as attacks with other users are concerned.... as I stated previously, I rarely attack anyone personally without such an attack being perpetrated upon myself initially. I attack political opinions and propaganda. I am also a frequent target for the same. Probably more than anyone else on this board. This does not surprise me one bit considering the majority of the board leans to the left politically. It's all part of the issues and nature of the game.

You are the only user left here who hates me and attempts to attack me on a personal level. Any others have left or have been kicked off the board. Most others I respect and keep things civil as long as they are civil with me. Such is life whether on the internet or in person.

If you don't want your family members becoming fodder for ridicule, don't bring them up as ridiculous examples of your nonsense train of thought. For example the "penis training" issue with your little Nikita. You brought that upon yourself with your own lunatic rantings.

As far as your anti-Semitism goes.... Yes... I believe you are one. Only you yourself do not realize it. You think that having an in-law or a Jewish friend or something makes you immune to this hatred. Not true. You subscribe to the same anti-Semitic thought that most of the left does in their insane support for Palestinian terrorism and painting Israel as a villian. You are just not smart enough to have thought out even your own positions thoroughly. You are a follower by nature. You are incapable of an original opinion that has not been rubber stamped by any type of politically correct thought.

There is no bigger hypocrite on XOC than you.

I feel sorry for your son. I really do. In a perfect world he would have been blessed with a father who knows right from wrong. He will never be taught love of God and country by his mother and father. He will never be taught pride for his heritage. His parents know nothing but hatred and contempt for these things.

You are someone filled with hate. The sad thing is you don't even have a clue as to how poisoned your mind has become.