Originally posted by NY Madman:

Is that what everything involving you comes down to? Some type of pro homosexual thing.
You should talk. I'm not the one here who pisses into gas tanks with their male friends.


Regarding your anti-Semitism.... I have no idea when I called you on it... but I did. You have posted so much typical lefty bullshit in support of Palestinian terrorism it is too hard to keep track. You spew the same shit as all the other leftist types and you are all anti-Semites. You hate the State of Israel and the root of that is your hatred of jews. Plain and simple. I am just the only one who called you on it.
How much acid did you drop as a kid? Here's yet another prime example of "Madman's World", you know, the one where you "invent" an issue that never exsisted to begin with. All I said about this subject was how Israel should give some the land back they took in the 1967 war, and maybe this goodwill gesture would re-kindle the peace process. This makes me an anti-Semite? I've also noticed that just about all your arguments here on this site are built on conjecture and assumption.

I suggest you re-read the whole thread again. It was you that sent it into the mud. I called you a "blame America first leftist". That is what you consider mud slinging? Damn... It's the truth.
I see your short term memory could use help as well. Again you started down the path of "Make Believe" and accused me of America bashing just because I mentioned that the next attack MAY come from a U.S. built Stinger. I bet you were ignored as a child.

Maybe we should see if some moderator wishes to start a poll? Is Sean a "blame America first leftist"? (Yes/No)

I think you would be shocked by the results lefty boy.
Who bloody cares? If individualism is a crime, questioning the governments or the Church's actions on important issues is considered unpatriotic, or not blindly following the right-wing's paranoid bullshit propaganda that is spewed out these days is being a "Lefist", then consider me guilty as charged.
Ned Flanders: "Some people say being a cave man is old fashioned, then I guess I'm just a cave man...if they existed....which they didn't."

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