Originally posted by MBFlyerfan:
WilMac, you sure do play the race card alot.
That's freedom. I feel sorry for you because you don't understand that. I know immigrants who understand this very clearly and the sad thing is you were born here.

As racist a statement as anything I've read on this board. So, there are SOME immigrants that came to America to be lazy deadbeats? Of course there are, but there are thousands of lazy deadbeats that were born here too. They're called teenagers. (sorry, a little humor to lighten things up.)
I dont see anything remotely resembling a racist statement here.
You mean beyond the fact that he said "I know immigrants that know this..."??? You mean beyond that? That means that of the 300 Million people in this country, the only ones that DON'T know that are immigrants?
I just returned from Ellis Island, and in their museum they have little computer screens set up with the test that immigrants have to take to enter the country. Did you know that 54% of all Americans can't answer those questions on the test? These are AMERICANS that can't pass a test about their own countries government! Why does being an immigrant automatically make you stupid? These generalizations you people make are disturbing.