Before everybody flames me, I'm talking about my Xterra, not yours. I'm sure yours is lovely. Mine was a pile of shit.

After a collective month in the shop during 18 months of ownership, Nissan finally relented and took her back.
Yes, I'll miss my first four wheeler.
No, I won't miss my Nissan service rep.
Nor will I miss the guy at the car rental agency.
Nor will I miss the burning electrical smell, the A/C that only worked on cold days, the stereo that wouldn't play half my CD's and only after it heated up, the weird noises, or the squirting fluids and mysterious fires.

Will I buy Nissan again?
Hell no.

Did I love my Xterra?
Yes. But that love was unrequited.

Bye bye, baby. I'll miss you.