Originally posted by Mobycat:
I find it hard to post this and quite honestly, beyond comprehension that I would defend him, BUT...

I do believe Off2 was trying to make a point (however extreme it may be, and odd to some of us). I seriously doubt you'd see him do anything of the sort, or have any ideas of the sort. I do believe if he witnessed even the hint of such an event, you'd see an Off2 nobody's ever seen.

Perhaps it might have been easier to understand if he said "others" instead of "we."

Just my opinion. (Seems like a lot of people take things too literally...on both sides)

Strange world we live in if I'm giving Off2 some defense. laugh
Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say off2blowJC was trying to make a sarcastic argument, attempting to use, I don't know, humor (??) to make his point . . .

His idea was still that if Sean and Ian and other parents wanted to teach their kids about sex, and let them learn about sex, and even *gasp* read magazines that mention the word sex, that they are deviant, and immoral, and metaphorically raping their kids . . .

Am I that far off? Was that your intention, to accuse Sean and Ian and other parents and parents-to-be that their views about healthy education and information for their kids was detrimental to their well-being? That they were, metaphorically, raping their kids or setting them up for physical harm?

It's still a backwards, ignorant, guilt-driven, fear-based suggestion . . .

Personally, I don't think this nimrod would ever really do the things he was suggesting. The fact that he made the remarks at all, however, is very enlightening . . . you have some fucked-up fantasies, dude . . .
Does anybody remember laughter?