Originally posted by Sean:
Originally posted by Strom:

[b]Yeah, you caught us. All Christians molest children and then hit pedestrians and drive away. Just like all atheists are completely immoral and devoid of any care for others, right?

Try not stereotyping or generalizing or hating or even disliking someone for what they believe (or don't believe). Try to think for a second that everyone should be considered as a person first rather than just as a part of a group.

By the way, he should go to jail - for the hit and run as well as for letting abusive priests work near children. Why would that make me not want to be a Christian or a Catholic? It just makes me not want to be like him.
I don't understand where you're going with this, have you been reading my posts fully? Of course I think the majority of Christians are moral and decent members of society. Your view of considering someone as a person first and a part of some organization second, is my view as well. If you've noticed, I only make a point of ridiculing certain homophobic, closed minded, backward, paranoid, exstremist, hypocritical, and "holier than thou" members of this board. I have nothing against ANY peaceful, moderate, and caring religious groups or individuals, so long as they don't try forcing their religious beliefs on me or our government.[/b]
So when you said "No wonder why you Christians have so many issues...", you weren't generalizing or stereotyping Christians?
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