Originally posted by NY Madman:
So let's hear it.... at what age will you teach your kid the "function" of his penis? 99.9% of parents toilet train and leave it at that. I'm also curious to know what "functions" you will be including in the curriculum. A deviant supporter like you should leave nothing out.
I hope that's not all people teach their kids. If so, we're in a heap of trouble. I'd rather teach a child of mine all the "ins and out" (no pun intended) of sex rather than them learning it from their friends and what they may see in a magazine or on TV. At least then I can say that I've tried my best to teach them the proper "use" of said instrument, and what judgement they should be using when doing whatever. When I do have kids, I will teach them assuming they are like most others (read: hetero), but I also intend to teach them that it's not a sin if they aren't, and that I am open enough that they don't have to fear telling me if they realize they are gay/bi/whatever. I don't care if they are or not. I would hope they know that I will accept them no matter what. The child is mine, and that is the most important thing - I would/will do anything in my power to make their life a happy life, regardless of what other people think of them. And I will defend them in anyway humanly possible.
"Nature has constituted utility to man the standard and test of virtue. Men living in different countries, under different circumstances, different habits and regimens, may have different utilities; the same act, therefore, may be useful and consequently virtuous in one country which is injurious and vicious in another differently circumstanced" - Thomas Jefferson, moral relativist