So incase anyone was wondering how well an Xterra would do in a car chase, this story is for you!

so last night, after watching numerous episodes of family guy,followed by 20 minutes of boredom and roughly 5 minutes of deciding what to do, we have decided to go drive around. but we couldnt just drive around...thats no we decided to bring along my 10 million candle spotlight, and my friends 20 million(10,15,20...i dont know, whatever) spotlight, and then my friends megaphone. being that Friday nights usually consist of half the town being alseep, and the other half, off partying somewhere getting wasted. we wanted to find the latter half.

so it began...
within 5 minutes we had found a house full of people, and with 2 spotlights shining in the front window, and a siren blaring...we decided to make a few laps around their block, to get their house several times. by the second time around, they had stood at the window, looking at the third time, one of the kids had ran to the door and opened it, and by the fourth time, they were all outside, hiding behind a bush.finally...the last time around, there were nowhere to be seen, but as soon as i passed their house, i saw a car pull behind was THEM!

so i took it jokingly at first, just driving around a few blocks, and then they decided to pull up beside me and throw an apple(of all things that could've been thrown) at me, and flex their muscles. thats when i got pissed, so i led them on a chase through town(side note:the car was a POS acura integra, non vtec)showing them what the supercharger can do, and it was funny watching them attempt to keep up.i went to a roundabout, and made about 7 laps, then decided that seeing as how they were determined to follow me, i took them where i knew i could lose them...i went to the trails.

it took me about 12 minutes to get from where i was, to some actual trails. i already had my course plotted out before i got there, and suprisingly they were still following me. so i started on the trail, i led them about 4 miles down just a plain old gravel road, then the snow started...i thought they would stop there,but they didnt.about 6 miles later(and yes they were still following me)we had reached the snow, only like 4 inches.those bitches STILL kept following me, so with a last ditch effort, i took the first right, into some fresh(untraveled)snow. that was the key. they followed me for about 200yards, before they realized that the snow is just a little bit high.

i have never laughed so hard, watching them make like a 50 point reverse, and just sitting there watching them do it. i was expecting them to get out of their car, and attempt to chase me on foot i guess. but they didnt, and here is the kicker...after all that hard work of them chasing me, it all ended with me following THEM, all the way back to their house, only to wish them a goodnight "FUCK YOU!"

yes i know it was a long story, and im sorry, but after something like that, and it being so early in the morning, im wide awake, and need someone to tell my story too...