The Liberty is a POS!!!

A bunch of guys I work with always go fishing the first week in March up to Sunnyside, NV.

Really cold but worth the fishing. Anyways, one of the guys rented a Liberty to drive up with cuz he only has a mini van at home.

Well we playing a little follow the leader one day.........and the poor little Libery went over the same exact rock I did and he bent the lower control arm so bad the tire was rubbing the fender.

So if you are getting it for gas mileage and tooling around town...........sure. But if you really want to use it and not have to be afraid of it ripping apart on a trail someday....... then get the X.

Full Frame vs. Unibody you decide.
"No really honey.... the Calmini bumper will make it safer..... yeah that's why I need it."
Las Vegas Xterra Club