Here's my guess...

There was this great Halloween party at Yoel and Tina's. Everything started out tame, with most everyone (Father Drew, Mullethead Yoel, Old Man Emery, Etc.) just talking and drinking a few beers. Full beer, mind you, not Bud Light. As the night passed, after the last of the trick-or-treaters had vanished from the front door, the beer bottle kept showing it's bottom, especially for The Hooker. Party foods were being eaten, junk like chips and crackers, and dip with chili in it, things that when mixed together look like puke, but not enough was eaten to counter the rising blood alcohol content. *hic*

The Hooker drank a lot of beer, and started feeling no pain, moving from person to person, and soon she found herself in the kitchen, wear she switched from massive amounts of beer to stuff you can put in red plastic cups that will make you see in triplicate. Maybe some wine, tequila, whatever. Who knows what they put in red plastic cups? At this point, it all tastes like weak beer.

The Hooker, not going to remember any of this on November 1, started flirting heavily with Sister Mary Discipline, Miss Informed, and A Devil In A Blue Dress (wait a minute, now). The Hooker couldn't talk the Devil into anything, and so she kept hitting on Discipline and Informed, until everything went dark. Yes, The Hooker entered the blissful land of unconsciousness.

Sister Mary Discipline and Miss Informed decided to make sure that The Hooker got home safely, and Miss Informed drove The Hooker's Xterra as The Hooker slept in the passenger seat. But The Hooker woke up before she was halfway home, and her tummy was upset. She fiddled with the power window, but not being used to being in the passenger seat, she only got it halfway open before she thrust her head halfway out of the halfway-open window. And she spewed, and she spewed. The next morning, The Hooker woke up in the morning sun, finding herself laying safely in her driveway beside her slightly soiled Xterra.

So am I right? Did I win?