Originally posted by trout lake tuna:
He clearly stated that he "almost made it"...I wonder if you dickheads would've still called him a dumbass if he did make it out of that mud hole? How's he supposed to find out what his limits are if he never tests them? [Save the fine unicorns]
IF you think Tossing your 2 wheel drive CAR with Longtrail tires (looks like LT) in a deep mud hole is testing your limits, then you should hit the River Rock Casino and put your lunch money on black.

if you think Off-roading skills are acuired by gunning your car through a mudhole to see if you make it then are as stupid as your post.


It's a 2 wheel drive

It's a near new vehicle

The driver (on his own account) has NO previous experience.

ditching it in 3 feet of mud and water not a dumbass Move, then tell me what it is

Dickhead?. Drop by NOOB if you wish to discuss. I like your Truck, you should join us a Stave or Funny rocks...move some limits wink
Sharam can have my sister