I used to run the BFG A/Ts, and now run the M/T's, so I might be able to offer up a good opinion (hopefully). The A/T's were most definately better on the road, as they should be. Wet weather traction was never a concern with them, as it is with the M/T.

For offroad, both grip very well in the dry stuff, w/ the M/T being noticeably better, but the A/T is still very good, and may well be better than any other A/T on the market. I've watched a lot of my friends with generic A/T's (Dayton's, Cooper, Revo), and none of them grip anywhere near as well as the BFG A/T, in the same situations.

Once you get into the mud, however, it's a different story. The A/T's require a lot more wheelspin to clear them, if they'll clear at all, which they won't in thick stuff.

As for snow, I haven't had the M/T's in snow, yet. I'm still waiting for the white stuff to come down this winter!! The A/T's, however, handled very well in snow-covered roads. Granted, we don't get much snow in KY, but when it does, the roads are NEVER cleared. So if we get 4" of snow, then there's 4" on the road.

I don't know how either tire would handle snow in offroad conditions. I haven't done it, so I won't offer up an opinion.