This is the info I have from last year:

Calling all AZXC Support Vehicles:
What: Fat Tire Bike Ride from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon.
(That’s right- Sponsored by Fat Tire beer co.!!)

*Approximately 10-12 support vehicles that would be positioned at various points along the 65 mile stretch.

*Each of these vehicles would be required to carry support materials for the riders- water, emergency blankets, energy drinks, etc. (they would supply these)

*Each vehicle needs to be properly equipped to run the course in mud and must have the following support materials for their truck- Tow straps, tarps for dirty riders, and a way to communicate to SAG stops and fellow support vehicles. Some trucks may need to transport the bikes back to the campsite.

When: Friday Aug 6th- Sunday Aug 8th**

Where: Starts in Flagstaff (camp outside Flag Friday night) The trail goes along FR220 (camping Sat night just south of Grand Canyon)

Why: Event coordinators need support vehicles for along the 65 mile trail to provide water, emergency supplies, etc. Event proceeds go to the Northern Arizona toys for tots program, covering Flagstaff and one of our favorite places: The Supai village.

*Volunteer’s would go up Friday night to camp and be ready to go Saturday morning.

*Saturday morning breakfast, Saturday night dinner and Sunday morning breakfast provided.

*Fat Tire beer provided along w/ Sat night fajita dinner.

*Need to give definite answer and number of vehicles by June 15th.

*This is the 7th annual event co-run by Michelle (dirtygirl) that came with Marshall to help with the clean up on FR532. (Fellow Xterra owner!!!)

**XterrAZ edited the dates (last year's were posted)
Hallelujah. Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?