See what a set of tires can do

First off fellows, it's a badge not a sticker, so if your gonna rag on something that you have no clue about, at least get it right.

Ok, yep, I own a 04 Liberty. After hearing the nightmares from a X owner (across my street), I didn't even price one. They look nice and the cargo room seems to there but I already have a minivan and wanted something I could tow behind my RV with 4 down and no mods. People buy what they need and can afford. By expending 5 pages to a little badge telling people that "hey, our 4x4 can walk the walk". Not that other's can't walk the walk off road but DCX just beat everyone to the punch. If you want a real laugh, anyone see the CRv commercial? The one about the guy who thinks he's a wolf? [Sleep]