Originally posted by XCFreak:
I also experience a "tapping", "pinging" sounds when accelerating. I've read from old threads that this is normal for a short pinging to occur during acceleration, but mine keeps pinging until I stop accelerating. I use 89 fuel and the truck was just serviced.

How do you guys know it's the valves and not the pistons slapping against the side of the cylinder from a worn out engine? I have 45k on mine. I guess I wanted to know how to distinguish the sound from a valve from a sound from some other part of the engine.

This is funny this topic is coming up a lot these days. Because my Xterra, with 51,000 miles, is doing the same thing lately. It "pings" only on heavy acceleration until I let off the gas pedal. But, not everytime though. confused Possible bad fuel pump? I tried going up to 89 octane and it stopped for a while. This tank I have in now is 89 octane and it pinged yesterday. It is not a "knocking" or "clicking" noise. So I do not think it is the exhaust manifold. It is definitely a "pinging" noise. I remember when Brent said in the manual it says that the engine will ping as the computer retards the the timing for better fuel mileage, or something to that effect......

Does anyone think my timing could be off?
Plus, my idle s-u-c-k-s ever since I can remember when my truck is in Drive. It idles at a little over 500rpm, when it is supposed to be around 750rpm. I am thinking possible vacuum leak here. Thoughts?

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."