Chris drove across fragile cryptobiotic soil, cactus and yucca, killing it or damaging it. He admitted to doing so, claiming it was a seldom used trail. He admitted driving around people (us and a group of Jeeps) because everyone was holding him up. He cut in front of many trucks just so he could put his truck in Mickey's Hot tub.

I don't care how well known he is in the sport, he broke the rules of Tread Lightly, and was rude on the trail.

Just because you all look up to him, doesn't mean I can't look down on him for what he did.

I could care less what the 4 wheeling community thinks of me, because I care very little for them. We get constant shit from everyone because we happen to drive Xterras where people like you think you're only allowed, or capable of going.

I was motorcycling in Moab before you were born. I don't want to see it (or any trails) get closed because people like Chris (and you obviously) don't think rules apply to them.
nom nom nom