Originally posted by Samueul:
Originally posted by Chris Mc:
Originally posted by Todrick:
Originally posted by jorge:
Originally posted by Todrick:

I can't want for my OSX/Windows machine in the summer.
I wonder if people will run something like WINE/Cedaga for OSX.

I mean, other than games, I don't see a reason to even use Windows if osx is an option.[/b]
iis &.net

i also prefer macromedia products on pc[/b]
Check out the Mono Project . Its a complete open-source .Net environment for many *NIX platforms. Having managed hundreds of IIS and Apache servers (all versions of each) over the last 8 years, I can't see why anyone would prefer IIS. Apache is a much more stable and easy to manage platform.
I gotta disagree. IIS6 is excellent, and MONO completely blows compared to .net, I'd bet that any other development platform blows compared to .net.

Really everything else aside, the MONO project sucks, it still doesn't have a tenth of the support and structure it needs to be really useful. It's another half baked linux project, this coming from someone who uses it.

I'll take J2EE over .Net any day of the week.
Redsox1113: F*** Iran, the only thing that ever came out of iran was the iron sheik, and hulk hogan whipped his ass. F'em