Originally posted by Mike in NRH:
Originally posted by 7h33f:
1st to 2nd 11
2nd to 3rd 17
3rd to 4th 25
4th to 5th 32
5th to 6th 45
Those seem about right to me. I typically keep the engine running under 2k, usually 1.2k - 1.6k with shifts at or before 2k. The only time I go beyond those numbers is when I'm getting on the interstate or in stop and go traffic where I'll keep it in say 3rd, and just use the rev in the 3k range to slow the truck without using the breaks or shifting down to close gaps in traffic.

Maybe it's me, but this engine seems to labor very loudly when pushed past 2.5k. I have no doubt it's a very fast and powerful engine and all that, but without making a show of it (loud reving in the 3k range + the lurch effect between gears), I'm always left in the dust of those people with automatics that like to get to the next light as fast as possible.[/b]
well, i spoke to a performance dept. mechanic at a dealership and he said, those numbers are put in the manual to match the fuel economy figures, but in fact, you should NOT drive like that. eventually you'll have enough carbon build up in there to significantly decrease your performance.

having already put 1600 miles on my X all over the state of Maine, i would say fuel economy concerns is the last thing on mind, when deciding which gear to use. sometimes you just can't use a higher gear because you will simply lose traction in a turn. there plenty of single lane roads here, where with a speed limit of 55 you end up averaging 40 MPH because of the turns and uneven pavement. i'm not even going to mention the multitude of various size hills...

judging from how the throttle responds in the lower range RPM in the first 3 gears(in second you start feeling major torque at 1200), driving under 2000 RPM isn't too stressing for the engine, unless you floor it and shift instantly, i guess...