I have the 33" Truxus STS's right now, they blow! Noisy and whatnot. Rubber may not be the same as the M/T's, but if they are, they blow and won't keep a balance to safe their life.

Boggers, wouldn't have a set, even if I were given them. Sideways traction will only improve if you sipe the massive paddles in a varied fashion to break up the skis into smaller paddles. Then they may be somewhat usefull. Almost lost a K5 to those bastard on Spring Creek, doing the first obstacle backwards (coming down) where ChefTyler did a spectacular burnout going up (and then lost a tie rod! laugh ).

I like the Xterrains, and would pony up again if I had the greenbacks to do so. But then again, I'll be shooting for 37's, if I can swing a good deal. I'll settle for 35's if I have to.