Ok, first, great job on the illustration smile . I have wheeled with Stu, great guy [ThumbsUp] . Second, I'll admit I actually never topped the second tier of the obstacle, but my rear did clear the top of the first (and disputed) surface. My driveshaft started slipping out of the SY, relieving me of fluids rapidly, so I backed down. Third, as I'd stated previously, the bottom was dug out considerably further than is illustrated in either of our photos. So much so in fact, that a large pool of water, tranny and diff fluids, and G-D knows what else had gathered at the bottom. My dog drank some of that, but that's neither here nor there. But the approach angle was so steep, that my spare, mounted on the Calmini tire carrier, was covered with that nasty fluid goo half way up the tire. So you do the math and figure out that angle, I really don't care.. After physically walking the wall and inspecting for myself before calculating the risk it involved to myself and my vehicle, I crawled up on my line and set a wheel to the wall as 7 or 8 dudes stood around, then I goosed it. laugh I got up, and that's that.

Edit to add- Hey this guy says 70* too wink

The hill is interesting, at the top there is an off-camber section that leans you toward the downhill side, the driver doesn't really notice but the passenger gets a good look down. Todd tells us that most of the rigs that roll, only do 3-4 rolls down the hill! Thanks Todd. We all make it up to Widowmaker. Widowmaker is a rock wall about 6 feet high at about a 70 degree angle.