
It's bloody hot and my buddy and I are driven to a dirt lot by a salesman to look for an Xterra. The dealership sign proudly proclaims they have 91 Xterras in stock.

Heat and dust are the only things we find in the entire lot. I'm simi car sick by the time we get back to the dealership and the salesman says he found out they're are several in another lot. Oh, now he knows.

The other lot turns out to be two levels down in an underground parking lot. I find one that I like but the salemens electronic keypad doesn't work. I suspect the cars battery is dead. He then tries to open the lockbox to get the car keys. He doesn't have the right code.

He can't get a signal on his cell so he head upstairs. At first, this is a no biggie. My buddy and I chat as we take our time looking at the other cars. Now it's been 10 minutes, then 15 and no sign of our sales guy.
Suddenly, the fire alarm bells go off. These things were right by our head. We decide to leave and find the saleman. We can't go out the way we came in because the gate is locked and you need a pass card. Looking around we find a door that leads to another door that leads, at last, to outside.

There we find our salesman chatting to some people who I can only guess, work in the building.
It turns out, in his effort to get out of the parking structure, the saleman set off the fire alarm. Buzzers and lights can be heard and seen going off all over the building.

I never know what happens here because the salesman leaves and comes back with a car and we go back to the dealership. There I'm handed off to a dealer, the guy who works the price. It turns out the Xterra I was looking at was an Off Road. I didn't know because the lighting was so bad down there and we never did get it open.

So the dealer gives me a price of, are you ready? Thrity one thousand, eight. By now it's past dinner time and my friend and I are starving. I'm in a sour mood after this last adventure, but I don't want to be a complete jerk, so I tell the dealer, give me your best deal. He hardly comes down and I'm saying goodbye when he drops the price a grand. I was pretty impressed until I got home later to check the price on edmunds, but that's not until way later.

As dinner is wrapping up, I'm thinking I'd like to test drive the OR because I've read that the ride can be stiffer. I call the salesman and ask if they could have the car on the lot in a half hour so I could drive it. They say no problem.

I'm thinking it's a gamble that everything will go according to plan, but in for a penny, in for a pound. Well, we get there. No car. WTF?
The saleman says he's 'just' going to get it now. The lot is two minutes away. Okay, won't be a long wait.
Yeah, right.
30 minutes later there's no car and I'm feeling like a moron for standing around. The dealer tells me someone parked another car in front of the OR but the salesman is moving it. But I know it has to be the battery. Just as I'm getting out my car keys, the salesman shows up with the OR.

Okay, finally! Lets try it out... but first... but first what? He has to gas it up.
I let some of my frustration show as I explain in detail why I had called 30 minutes ahead. That they said they'd have the car ready. And the saleman has this pained look and says he's really sorry. What ever. By now it's night.

We get to the gas station and the saleman zooms out of the car telling me this'll just take a second, and smacks the drivers door in to one of the pillars of the gas station in the process.
A few gallons of gas and he's handing me the keys.
I get in, turn the key and ... you guessed it. Nothing happens. The fricken battery is dead!!!

I won't drag you through the rest of what happened. In short, they finally got it started. I drove it a few blocks and took it back. As the salesman was parking the OR I tried to find the dealer to let him know I was leaving. Couldn't find him so I'm bailing. Just as I'm pulling out, the dealer appears at my window. He's really sorry . Go home, I'll feel better after a good nights sleep yadda yadda yadda.

When I did get home, I looked up what edmunds says the OR sales for. After everything I've experienced, I think the dealer might come to a reasonable price. Otherwise, I have an S model lined up with someone else for the price I want.

I'll decide to day which way I'll go or drop it entirly and wait until the 06's come out. I have a working car.

More to come.