Originally posted by TIERRA:
Another thing, all this aggravation .....for an S model? Last time I looked around, thats all that I saw at the dealers.
Not around this neck of the woods, and not in the color I wanted.

So now the saga continues with the great hunt of new tires, skid plates, radio, fog lights...wait, did I say RADIO and FOG LIGHTS?
You bet! That's what makes it fun. Personalizing your X. Isn't that why everyone posts pictues of theirs? I don't know much about the Fozzz whatever radio, but I do know about Alpine.

Oh no, before U start asking about the wiring for the fog lights and radio....please do us all a favor. Use the SEARCH button above.
Uh... 'do us all a favor'? I'm hurt. Wounded, even. wink To think this is the welcome I get from my Xterra brothers and sisters. hahaha.
No sweat. I'm sure this forum is a wealth of information from others who have already traveled that path. I'll try to keep my noob questions to as few as possible.