Yeah nice reply. When somebody in your club rolls or is involved in an incident where their safty is compromised, you are just gonna sit there and laugh at them? I'd really want you following or spotting me on the trail and I'm sure other people in your club would want you around after a rediculous remark like that. And for your information, due to the angle of his truck while stopping his seatbelf locked, so he was unable to apply it before rolling, you can even see his whole arm come out of the Xterra. So why don't you go back and refresh your smartass self about what happened before you drag this somewhere where it doesn't need to belong. Hindsight is 20/20.

You are surely a great person that anyone would want in their club, a real outstanding indivdual that makes many proud to come to this forum anymore. The big trash talking man on his computer in California because what are the Jersey guy's gonna do about it ha ha, let me egg them on, I'm behind my computer. I really hope you are by no means a representation of your club at all. People should come here to strengthen this community, however you are clearly a worthless member of this community.
It's easy to grin
when your ship comes in
and you've got the stock market beat.
But the man worthwhile
is the man who can smile
when his shorts are too tight in the seat.