Originally posted by Cygnus-X1:
It's hard to believe anyone would really actually think that their 2wd truck is something other than a plain old 2wd truck.
Well, I happen to believe my 2WD truck is not just a plain old 2WD truck -- it's a 2WD Xterra. Everything I need, nothing I don't. I don't need 4WD. when I get to the gnarly stuff, I park the X and whip out the mountain bike and conquer the mountain with sweat and muscle. Or maybe I'll unload my hang glider and fly over the gnarly stuff.

My 2WD X suits my needs perfectly. Where I grew up (Santa Barbara, where there are few if any off road areas) we, as boys, thought those big trucks with the huge wheels were neato. Then we grew up, realized that most of them were posers, and that the inverse proportion law applied to most of them (the bigger the tires, the smaller the penis).

I did not buy my X to make a statement, or to see how big a rock I can go over. I bought it because it carries all my toys (bikes, kayak, hang glider, mountain board) and me to the places I use them (mountains, ocean, desert). You got a problem with that?
Pardon me, but I'm afraid you have me confused with someone who values your opinion.