Originally posted by XPLORx4:
Hmmm. Uh, yeah, that'd work great:

Q: So, what do you do for a living?
A: I'm a death-row executioner.
Q: Whoa, really? So, do you flip the electric chair on or give the lethal injection?
A: Uh, no. I'm the guy they call in to rape and torture convicts until they're dead. It's a gruesome job, but someone's got to do it. Next month, that guy Mike Rowe from the Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs is coming to film a segment.

Oh come on...you dont think there'd be takers for that job?

Never thought about the "Dirty Jobs" reference. That'd be downright hilarious.

Ok, so maybe we won't have an anal rapist on the payroll, but you get the idea. I think lethal injection or the gas chamber is too humane for some of these animals.