I didn't want to go off topic in the Snarl thread and was asked for more information about what I posted there. I thought I would share these because it's a weird topic that some people enjoy and others dis-believe, usually quite controversial.

On the website for Snarl's radio station is a picture of a UFO that has a link to UFO stuff. I was joking about maybe I could sue for using the picture and that my sister had snapped the shot back in 1968. I wasn't joking about the sister part, she did take the picture along with 5 others. I dug them out and scanned them tonight. I posted them to my website so I could link to them here. I'm sorry for the quality of the pictures but they are almost 40 years old and well worn. I scanned them in their entirety to show that they really are the originals with border and all. For those of you that think I went and found the pictures on the internet somewhere....

So the story goes...(condensed version)

My sister is now 64 years old. Back in 1968 she was visiting a male friend of hers that lived somewhere on the outskirts of Albuquerque New Mexico. Through their conversations the subject came up of UFOs, he said he sees them all the time in the desert and he'd take her out to the area. He did and in a very short period of time a flying object showed up. My sister, who was skepical about the whole thing to begin with, only had a few shots left on the roll of film in the camera. (WTF was she thinking I don't know. Someone tells you they're going to show you something absolutely amazing and you don't have film....duh) Anyway, the following is what she captured on film. Click on the thumbs for the full size pics. Again, I apologize for the quality, they are old.

This is the picture used on the website, cut down and recolored.

There's more to the story that I won't go into detail about....the object made no sound, could stop or turn on a dime, incredible acceleration, the friend converses with them, my sister trusted the government and sent the negatives with her encounter, project bluebook, yada, yada, yada.

When I was younger I was a strong believer. As I've gotton older....not so much anymore. I would love to know what was really going on there. Do I think we're the only life in the universe? No, that would be silly to believe. Do I think another life form has traveled thousands of light years to visit our planet and not stopped to say hello? No, again, that would be silly too....wouldn't it?

Anyway, that's the rest of the story for the most part. I can't prove the stuff I was told that I won't go into but I do know for sure that these are the original pictures and my sister took them. Other than that.....who knows.

Whacko post of the month [Freak]
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
--- Paul Hornung