Originally posted by clemsontiger09:

i was speaking to a friend who was trying to convice me that tomorrow would be a big day for some kind of particle accelorator. also, ive read and they said that some how it was theoretically possible to create a black hole for the slightest split second...... has anybody ever heard of this thing and the capabilities of it? im still a little confused about this. i googled a discussion forum about it and came up with this site. any thoughts? http://www.lhcconcerns.com/
I've heard of this before. Are you worried?

I don't think you have to worry about black hole creation. If some scientific theories turn out to be correct, the biggest danger would be the creation of "Strangelets" that could destroy the earth.

Just make sure you keep plenty of beer and alcohol in the house. If France and Switzerland suddenly disappear, you may have time for one last drinking binge. smile

The only black hole that poses any type of threat to you is Obama's wife.