Nismo is correct. Mobile ESPN, not ESPNMobile, is shutting down service as a total service provider. Instead it will become an application very much like the Verizon MusicCast, etc. that will probably start out on the Sprint Network and then move on to other networks if they are willing to pay for it.

I have some inside information, well, not truly anything special, more I just work for ESPN so there have been enough rumors flying around.

I wasn't happy when it first came out and have to say that I got it because of our Employee discout as a second phone. The services are one of a kind and I think that it will flurish over time.

The most recent struggle was that Mobile ESPN was only a single service. There was no family plans, no alternatives to give the younger members of the family, etc.

I'm just waiting to see now if Disney Mobile might pull the plug before they get in too deep.