...and the Oscar goes to.

Posted by: xterrapin

...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 02:28 PM

This was too funny not to post:

Supreme Court Strips Al Gore of Oscar; Declares George W. Bush Winner

Fresh off his Oscar victory last night for Best Documentary, Al Gore has been stripped of his title by the U.S. Supreme Court. George W. Bush was declared the new winner despite the fact that he had not received a single vote or even watched a movie in the last decade except for Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.

In the Court's opinion, new Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that he was proud to follow in the steps of his old boss and predecessor, the late William Rehnquist, who helped decide Bush v. Gore in 2000. "You've gotta love lifetime appointments," Roberts said. "We aren't even trying anymore!"

Insiders say a disappointed Gore has already begun regrowing his beard, although a spokesperson claims it is only so he can save energy on heat now that climate change has made the winter months colder and more unpredictable.

Meanwhile, jubilation abounded in Crawford, Texas, where George W. Bush was leisurely enjoying a few weeks off from his normal vacation spot in Camp David. "I didn't even know you could win an Oscar for pretending to be something in real life," Bush said. He also issued an executive order demanding that Martin Scorsese's long-awaited award for Best Director be given to Dick Cheney for his handling over the White House.

Plans to melt the statue down into gold coins bearing Bush's likeness were scrapped after Bush decided it had been involved in terrorist activities. The statue is expected to arrive in Guantanamo by tomorrow morning, where it will no longer be under the jurisdiction of Roberts and the Supreme Court.

Posted by: NY Madman

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 02:50 PM

If Gore's propaganda film didn't win, there would have been fodder for even better jokes like him demanding a recount and taking it to court.

Technically Gore didn't win the award. Some other guy did.

I found this interesting. What makes it interesting is people like Gore want to control your life and your energy usuage....

Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 04:08 PM

Is there any doubt that the liberal left control Hollywood?

How many grammys did the Dixie Chicks win?

Melissa Etheridge won for BEST SONG over any of the three nominated songs from Dreamgirls?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 04:57 PM

Originally posted by KJ_dragon:
Is there any doubt that the liberal left control Hollywood?
Is there any doubt that those involved in making movies, music, and other art forms have always been considered largely "liberal" or "progressive" compared to the rest of society at any given time?
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 05:15 PM

Originally posted by pnwbeers:

Is there any doubt that those involved in making movies, music, and other art forms have always been considered largely "liberal" or "progressive" compared to the rest of society at any given time?
No. That is not true.

It hasn't always been true regarding Hollywood. Things have changed considerably since the 60's and 70's, but Hollywood has not always been dominated by the left.

That element existed to a certain extent, but wasn't always a dominant force.

Unlike today.
Posted by: xterrapin

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 05:35 PM

Wait...I thought the Jews controlled Hollywood?
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 05:39 PM

I'm curious how they know Gore's electric bill?

Besides, if someone lives in a mansion, it would stand to reason they use more electricity than most people. To say he's not "walking the walk" is a bit specious. Are you all saying even if he has a large house, he shouldn't be using any more electricity than the average home?

Maybe he IS cutting back. Maybe if Dick Cheney lived in the same house, it would be burning 5x the amount Gore is.

You can't compare a mansion to a three bedroom house.

Not questioning the facts about Gore's house, but...


The Tennessee Center for Policy Research is an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization committed to achieving a freer, more prosperous Tennessee through free market policy solutions.
Nonpartisan my ass.

From their "about" page:

* Generate economic growth through reduced tax and regulatory burdens on individuals and businesses
* Create unmatched educational opportunity by empowering parents, students and teachers with choices and opportunities
* Advance healthcare solutions that restore dignity and encourage personal responsibility
* Identify opportunities to reduce cost and increase efficiency in all levels of government
* Reflect the Founding Fathers’ vision of a free society grounded in property rights and individual liberty based in personal responsibility
Posted by: XPLORx4

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 06:54 PM

Good point, Moby.

The article slamming Gore's utility bills is poor journalism. It's like saying that New York City consumes more electricity than the average U.S. city, so therefore it's not doing its fair share towards resource conservation.

Maybe Gore should sell his estate and live in a cardboard box under a freeway overpass, then he would be REALLY conserving electricity. [Freak]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 07:11 PM

Originally posted by XPLORx4:
Good point, Moby.

The article slamming Gore's utility bills is poor journalism. It's like saying that New York City consumes more electricity than the average U.S. city, so therefore it's not doing its fair share towards resource conservation.

Maybe Gore should sell his estate and live in a cardboard box under a freeway overpass, then he would be REALLY conserving electricity. [Freak]
If Gore were really cutting back he WOULD sell his mansion and move into an "average" house. Does he NEED to live in a mansion? No, no one does.
Posted by: Claus

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 07:59 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by pnwbeers:

[b]Is there any doubt that those involved in making movies, music, and other art forms have always been considered largely "liberal" or "progressive" compared to the rest of society at any given time?
No. That is not true.

It hasn't always been true regarding Hollywood. Things have changed considerably since the 60's and 70's, but Hollywood has not always been dominated by the left.

That element existed to a certain extent, but wasn't always a dominant force.

Unlike today.[/b]
Hey madman how about posting another one of your snuff movies
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 08:34 PM

For you guys that care so little about this planet, do the rest of us a favor and run a hose from your tailpipe through the passenger window while you're warming up your X tomorrow. Trust me, it gets the inside toasty warm. smile

As for Gore, maybe he's right and we "humans" will be extinct in a few hundred years if we keep going on the way we are.

Maybe this planet will be better off when we are.
Posted by: BurgPath

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 08:43 PM

To me Gore talking about energy conservation is like John Edwards talking about the separation of poor and affluent. All the while living in his new big ass house in North Carolina. :rolleyes:
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 26/02/07 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:

I'm curious how they know Gore's electric bill?
Very easily. Someone at the utility company gave them the info.

Besides, if someone lives in a mansion, it would stand to reason they use more electricity than most people.
It would stand to reason that someone who lives in a mansion wouldn't be on a political crusade dictating to the rest of the country that we use too much energy and everyone else needs to cut down and sacrifice.

But then again, we are not talking about reasonable people.

How many ways are there to spell HYPOCRITE?

To say he's not "walking the walk" is a bit specious. Are you all saying even if he has a large house, he shouldn't be using any more electricity than the average home?
I don't think anyone would give a rat's ass how much energy Gore used if he weren't out there preaching to everyone else about their energy usage.

He is definitely not "walking the walk".

He could also "zone" his heating and air conditioning. Does Al and his wife really need to use 20 times the energy usage of national average?

They are also just talking about one of Gore's houses. He owns several.

Maybe he IS cutting back. Maybe if Dick Cheney lived in the same house, it would be burning 5x the amount Gore is.
From the figures given, it seems Gore's energy usage has gone up... not down.

You can't compare a mansion to a three bedroom house.
No, but you can compare a hypocrite for what he preaches and advocates to what he does in his own life.

Nonpartisan my ass.

From their "about" page:

* Generate economic growth through reduced tax and regulatory burdens on individuals and businesses
* Create unmatched educational opportunity by empowering parents, students and teachers with choices and opportunities
* Advance healthcare solutions that restore dignity and encourage personal responsibility
* Identify opportunities to reduce cost and increase efficiency in all levels of government
* Reflect the Founding Fathers’ vision of a free society grounded in property rights and individual liberty based in personal responsibility

What exactly is overtly partisan about the above? They all look like very reasonable goals.

Are you admitting that one party has as it's goals... ineffiency in government, higher taxes, against liberty and property rights, and other oppurtunities?

Try not to get yourself in too much trouble with your answer.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 05:22 AM

Originally posted by KJ_dragon:
Is there any doubt that the liberal left control Hollywood?

How many grammys did the Dixie Chicks win?

Melissa Etheridge won for BEST SONG over any of the three nominated songs from Dreamgirls?
Is there any doubt that the conservative right control Washington? Although the Oscars are getting tougher to watch each year. Make it an hour long show with the top, half dozen awards given out that everyone wants to see.
Posted by: TravelingFool

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 06:04 AM

If Gore were "walking the walk," he'd build a windmill on his estate... God knows, he could afford one. An efficient, modern windmill could generate MORE than enough electricity to power his home, recharge his car, AND give his wife a place to plug in her "special friend."

If there's no wind in Tennessee, he should consider other replenishable energy sources. There are new heaters that burn corn (for example), a good bio-diesel generator would bring his overall dependency on fossil fuels down.

Its almost as ironic as Hillary spending a fortune on "electability surveys" only to discover (eventually) that she's completely un-electable. I could have told her that for $1.

There are definately things he could pursue if he wants intelligent voters to take him seriously. Personally, I think the man is a clown and I think he's riding the global warming wave to keep his name in the spotlight in case he decides to run again.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 06:05 AM

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 07:33 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by pnwbeers:

[b]Is there any doubt that those involved in making movies, music, and other art forms have always been considered largely "liberal" or "progressive" compared to the rest of society at any given time?
No. That is not true.[/b]
We disagree, then.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:

Is that legal?
It seems to be legal. I don't hear anyone in the media claiming it is not legal. I don't hear Gore claiming that aquiring copies of his energy bills is illegal.

He is also not denying that his energy bills are that high.

Why can't he be on a crusade? Do we know how big this "mansion" is?
Hypocrites go on crusades all the time about many issues. It just so happens that the global warming crusaders are the biggest of all hypocrites.

Yes, we do know the size of Gore's home in question. Gore's mansion is 10,000 square feet and is on Lynnwood Boulevard.

The square footage and other aspects of building design are public record.

From what I can find, he owns three. One is a condo and the other was Tipper's mom's house in Virginia - not a big house in the least.

Also, supposedly (that's the key here, I don't know how it can be verified) he has been converting some of his power to photo-voltaic (sp?).
Al Gore is worth between $200-$300 million dollars. He could have long ago started doing something "green". He can well afford it.

Instead he preaches his newfound religion of enviro/socialism. Something that most Americans CANNOT afford.

No, I don't disagree with those. BUT...that's not all there is in life. Like I've said before, there are some issues I agree with the Republicans, there are some I agree with the Democrats.
You said the issues that group believes in prove them to be partisan. I see you are backing away from that statement.

You tell me... What else is there in life? What is more important than liberty?
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 01:05 PM

Al's really getting pissed off . . .

Posted by: Mobycat

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 01:34 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

[b]No, I don't disagree with those. BUT...that's not all there is in life. Like I've said before, there are some issues I agree with the Republicans, there are some I agree with the Democrats.
You said the issues that group believes in prove them to be partisan. I see you are backing away from that statement.

You tell me... What else is there in life? What is more important than liberty?[/b]
I'm not backing away from saying it's partisan. Their "positions" are nicely worded ways of saying they are conservative based.

The ACLU will fight for conservatives and liberals. Would you say they are non-partisan?
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 01:35 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

Yes, we do know the size of Gore's home in question. Gore's mansion is 10,000 square feet and is on Lynnwood Boulevard.

The square footage and other aspects of building design are public record.
Almost forgot... source?

(I'm not saying it isn't that big. I just want to see where people are getting their info.)
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:

I'm not backing away from saying it's partisan. Their "positions" are nicely worded ways of saying they are conservative based.
Are they really? Possibly in contrast to the nicely worded anti-liberty goals of left wing groups.

I would say any political party that is against the goals stated by that group would be dangerous.

The ACLU will fight for conservatives and liberals. Would you say they are non-partisan?
The ACLU rarely fights for any "conservative" causes or issues. Out of every 100 cases, maybe 4 or 5 at the most could be considered a "conservative" type issue or case.

The ACLU was also founded by people who openly stated the following...

"We are for SOCIALISM, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself... We seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. COMMUNISM is the goal."

If that's not partisan extremism, you wouldn't recognize it if it hit you in the face.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 02:34 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Mobycat:

[b]I'm not backing away from saying it's partisan. Their "positions" are nicely worded ways of saying they are conservative based.
Are they really? Possibly in contrast to the nicely worded anti-liberty goals of left wing groups.

I would say any political party that is against the goals stated by that group would be dangerous.

The ACLU will fight for conservatives and liberals. Would you say they are non-partisan?
The ACLU rarely fights for any "conservative" causes or issues. Out of every 100 cases, maybe 4 or 5 at the most could be considered a "conservative" type issue or case.

The ACLU was also founded by people who openly stated the following...

"We are for SOCIALISM, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself... We seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. COMMUNISM is the goal."

If that's not partisan extremism, you wouldn't recognize it if it hit you in the face.[/b]
And Drew Johnson of the Tennessee Center is blatantly conservative. So going by that logic, his group MUST be.

Check their links. Yeah, a lot of left-wing groups in there... a lot of "non-partisan" groups in there...

Heritage, Cato, AEI....non-partisan one and all.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 27/02/07 05:24 PM

Originally posted by TravelingFool:
If Gore were "walking the walk," he'd build a windmill on his estate... God knows, he could afford one. An efficient, modern windmill could generate MORE than enough electricity to power his home, recharge his car, AND give his wife a place to plug in her "special friend."
Not only has he not built any alternative energy sources on his property, but he hasn't signed up with NES (Nashville Electric Service) to participate in their alternative energy program, where you can pay a very small premium for your energy with the guarantee that a percentage of it comes from alternative sources. AKA, Gore has yet to put his money where his mouth is.

As for his home information:


SALE PRICE: $2,300,000 on June 17, 2002.
IMPROVEMENTS: $2,124,400
TOTAL APPRAISED (tax value): $3,021,400

For some reason the actual assessment information is not available; says there's a javascript error, so I can't pull the square footage, # of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. right now. But basically, this is all public information. I just pulled this from the Nashville.gov for free. It's not hard to find public records on people if you know where to look. Real Estate is the EASIEST to find out information on, as most PVA's are online all across America.
Posted by: PDXterra

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 28/02/07 12:08 PM

Wow, that's quite the place...

Go here and do a search on parcel 11611005600.

It's just a hair over 10,000 sq ft.

ETA: haha! There's a Wrangler in the driveway, now you guys are really gonna get your panties in a bunch!
Posted by: ATFrontier

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 28/02/07 12:30 PM

damn! nice digs....
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 28/02/07 12:51 PM

It is a nice house. It almost looks like he wanted to pretend he was living in the White House.

Big Al could make it even nicer if he hired a landscape architect.

It seems to have an awful lot of bathrooms. 8 full baths and 2 half baths. Maybe Al spends a lot of time on the can and needs 10 toilets.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 28/02/07 01:07 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
[QB]It is a nice house. It almost looks like he wanted to pretend he was living in the White House.
Umm... That's the typical style for larger Southern homes... We don't need no stinkin' French architecture like the White House... (BTW: in case you didn't know, the White House is modeled after a building in Paris. I've seen the original; the White House is much larger/nicer, but the exterior design is darn near exactly the same)
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 28/02/07 01:21 PM

Originally posted by porsche996:

Umm... That's the typical style for larger Southern homes... We don't need no stinkin' French architecture like the White House... (BTW: in case you didn't know, the White House is modeled after a building in Paris. I've seen the original; the White House is much larger/nicer, but the exterior design is darn near exactly the same)
There are homes similar to that in areas up here too.

I think the White House was actually built like a Georgian style mansion by an Irish architect in the "Palladian" style of architecture.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 28/02/07 01:30 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

It seems to have an awful lot of bathrooms. 8 full baths and 2 half baths. Maybe Al spends a lot of time on the can and needs 10 toilets.
That would probably explain the tax district:


Posted by: Anonymous

Re: ...and the Oscar goes to. - 28/02/07 04:12 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by porsche996:

[b]Umm... That's the typical style for larger Southern homes... We don't need no stinkin' French architecture like the White House... (BTW: in case you didn't know, the White House is modeled after a building in Paris. I've seen the original; the White House is much larger/nicer, but the exterior design is darn near exactly the same)
There are homes similar to that in areas up here too.

I think the White House was actually built like a Georgian style mansion by an Irish architect in the "Palladian" style of architecture.[/b]
Doh! Sorry. I was thinking of the Capitol building. Nebbermind...