What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!!

Posted by: Anonymous

What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 26/11/07 06:30 PM

Well I'm relieved after reading this story. It seems that illegal immigrants don't feel they are a burden to the Health system when asked to take a survey on the subject.

And the last time I spent 6 hours waiting in the ER because 50 illegals had a cold I could have thought otherwise!


I'm changing my homepage away from Yahoo.com to something different after that one - That's plain retarded as a front page story.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 26/11/07 06:54 PM

Originally posted by RiNkY:

Well I'm relieved after reading this story. It seems that illegal immigrants don't feel they are a burden to the Health system when asked to take a survey on the subject.

And the last time I spent 6 hours waiting in the ER because 50 illegals had a cold I could have thought otherwise!

Are you saying you believe what you have read?

It's a bullshit study designed for political purposes. It happens all the time.

Do you really think that the University of California's School of Public Health is going to say or do anything that makes illegal aliens look bad?

I'm changing my homepage away from Yahoo.com to something different after that one - That's plain retarded as a front page story.
Even though Yahoo may suck, the article was a Reuters article.

Google News is no different as far as their choices for front page stories.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 26/11/07 07:46 PM

NYMM, it's called sarcasm [Too much XOC]
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 26/11/07 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Desert_Rat:

NYMM, it's called sarcasm [Too much XOC]
Yeah, I agree that the initial post may have started out with a tinge of sarcasm. I didn't get the impression it ended that way.

I know Rinky is just as pissed about illegal aliens as the rest of us who actually give a shit.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 26/11/07 09:21 PM

The researchers said illegal Mexican immigrants had 1.6 fewer visits to doctors over the course of a year than people born in the country to Mexican immigrants. Other undocumented Latinos had 2.1 fewer physician visits than their U.S.-born counterparts, they said.
Ok.. So, assuming they can't have negative visits, then I'd assume since "others" had 2.1 fewer physician visits, then the "average" is at least 3 visits per year, for US citizens.

Let me think... That makes, at least, 1.4 visits per year for illegal Mexicans, and 0.9 visits of "other" illegal hispanics.

Hmm... So the article also says there's 5.9 million illegal Mexicans, and 2.5 million "other" hispanics.

Hmm... 1.4*5.9 + 0.9*2.5 = 10.51 MILLION visits per year from the illegals...

And THAT assumes only 3 annual visits for the norm; since the article doesn't say what the annual visits actually are (thanks biased media, who doesn't want you to be able to figure out the real numbers; only wants to give you "relative" values...), it could be any multiple of that number. That's just a MINIMUM value...

So we're talking 10.5 million visits. Great. I can only find a number for 2003, but it puts the average ER visit at $563 per visit.

So 10.5 million visits at $563 a pop, and that's *only* 5.9 BILLION dollars per year...

I love how a reporter can take relative numbers, then come to the conclusion that it's not really a significant problem... Wonder if the reporter has even looked at the numbers, or just the spoon-fed press release the researchers put out?

Yeah. That article is right on. Illegals aren't a burden on the system at all. Only a 5.9 Billion dollar expense. No biggie.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 08:05 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

I know Rinky is just as pissed about illegal aliens as the rest of us who actually give a shit.
Probably moreso since he's had to empty his wallet out a couple times to be a legal immigrant.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 09:05 AM

It might be a good time to post the illegal immigration counter....

The figure of over 21 million illegal immigrants is probably an underestimate. A couple of years ago the firm Bear Sterns did their own study on this subject and they estimated the illegal population at that time as being north of 25 million.

The government estimate of 12 million is a complete lie. How many years now have they been saying 12 million? I've been hearing that same number for many years.

This organization in California, I mean Mexifornia, says the illegal alien population could be as high as 38 million....



Here are some other immigration figures they quote. I don't know if they are accurate, but then again it is difficult and almost impossible to be accurate on this subject....

Legal Immigration Facts and History

* During the first fifty years after our country’s inception, the United States received about 710,000 immigrants.
* During the first century of our country’s existence (1776 to 1884), we received about two immigrants a day.
* Traditionally, modern immigration to the United States averaged below 200,000 newcomers per year. The exceptions are a brief period of mass immigration at the start of the 20th century and the decades of escalating arrivals since passage of the 1965 Immigration Act.
* In recent years, we have permitted over one million legal immigrants per year—over three million when you add illegal immigrants to that number.
* In the 1990s we admitted two immigrants every minute.
* Immigration drives virtually all of California's current population growth. Last year alone, California grew by 500,000 more people.
* In the past 10 years the United States admitted enough immigrants to populate a new city larger than Washington, D.C. each year.
* The immigrant share of total U.S. population is also growing at a record-breaking rate. The foreign-born population grew from 7.9 percent in 1990 to 12.5 percent of U.S. population in 2006. If current trends continue, in this decade the percentage of foreign-born residents will surpass even the all time high reached in 1890 of 14.8 percent.
* The USCIS (formerly the INS) has a processing backlog of approximately 4.5 million immigration applications.
* Roughly 10 percent of Mexico’s population of 107 million resides in the United States.
* There is federal legislation currently under consideration, which, if passed, would add between 100 and 200 million more immigrants to our population over the next 20 years.
* Polls consistently show that the majority of Americans want a reduction in immigration numbers—both legal and illegal.

Illegal Immigration Facts

* There are an estimated 20 to 38 million illegal aliens currently residing in our country.
* All of the 9/11 hijackers were in the United States legally, having entered on temporary visas.
* California is home to at least 5 million of those illegal aliens.
* Illegal immigrants who take low-paying jobs don't pay enough in income taxes, if they pay at all, to reimburse taxpayers the $5,000/per student annual cost of educating their children.
* Illegal immigration costs the taxpayers of California $10.5 billion a year for education, health care, and incarceration.
* Illegal aliens constitute 15 percent of our state’s school population.
* Between 1993 and 2003, 60 California hospitals were forced to close from the financial burden of providing free health care for uninsured illegal aliens.
* Illegal immigrants who enroll in the University of California system are charged in-state tuition.
* Each year the Border Patrol makes more than a million apprehensions of persons unlawfully crossing U.S. borders to work and to receive public assistance, often with the aid of fraudulent documents. Such entry is a misdemeanor, and if repeated becomes punishable as a felony.
* Illegal aliens from Central America have been allowed to remain in the United States so long that their homelands have grown dependent on the billions of dollars a year they send home in remittances.
* 300,000 people who have been ordered deported are still in the country because their deportation orders were not enforced.
* Census Bureau estimates say 115,000 people from terrorist-sponsoring Middle Eastern nations live in the United States illegally.
* Some illegal aliens from terrorist nations pay as much as $50,000 each to be smuggled into our country.
* Approximately one-third of all foreign-born U.S. residents are illegal aliens.
* Over half of all Mexicans living in the United States are here illegally.
* In the last decade, 80 to 85 percent of the flow of Mexican immigrants has been illegal.
* A strategy of attrition through enforcement could reduce the illegal population by as many as 1.5 million illegal aliens each year. Currently about 183,000 illegal aliens per year depart without the intervention of immigration officials, according to DHS statistics.

Posted by: Auditor_Kevin

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 09:20 AM

And the last time I spent 6 hours waiting in the ER because 50 illegals had a cold I could have thought otherwise!
That's why all those Immediate Care Centers are flourishing by me. They can (and do, I asssume) reject uninsureds from the que.

I stabbed my hand pretty bad in the Spring and it nicked an artery. There was no way in hell I was going to wait for 6 hours in my local hospital's ER so I went to an Immediate Care Center and was admitted within a half hour, despite a long line of people in front of me.

Hell, I could be near unconcious after a flaming wreck and I'd still demand that the ambulance drop me off at an Immediate Care Center instead of the hospital.

It's nice to see the health care system starting to take care of the "using the ER as your own private physician" problem on it's own.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 09:21 AM

Thanks for brightening my already shitty day with wonderful statistics and a picture of a bunch of asshole wetbacks. You're just Mr. Sunshine.

Next, why don't you post up some suffering crack babies, or pictures of a bunch of grubby little muslims chanting death to America.

Then, complete the trifecta with news that there's no such thing as Santa Claus or the Easter bunny.

You bastard.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Desert_Rat:

Thanks for brightening my already shitty day with wonderful statistics and a picture of a bunch of asshole wetbacks. You're just Mr. Sunshine.

Next, why don't you post up some suffering crack babies, or pictures of a bunch of grubby little muslims chanting death to America.

Then, complete the trifecta with news that there's no such thing as Santa Claus or the Easter bunny.

You bastard.
I'm here to help bro.

I don't have anything about crack babies, but I do have a video here that you are going to just love. You can hear what our new generation of Hispanic politicians and teachers are saying with their own words.

Click and enjoy....

Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 10:12 AM

And in more local immigration news....

Posted by: ATFrontier

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 10:47 AM

Looks to me like all they want is cival war. Saying that this continent is theirs???
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 27/11/07 11:26 AM

If that's what they want, maybe we should wipe their asses out like generations before did to the Indians. Then there can be Mexican reservations with casinos that employ white people.
Posted by: InfX708

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 28/11/07 08:48 PM

How can they claim they own the continent? They speak Spanish, as in from Spain, as in the European country. At best they are south Europeans. Just because some of them interbred with the Indianas doesn't mean that all of a sudden their Spanish blood was cleansed - otherwise they'd be indian, not hispanic. Bunch of dumbasses. Question, if an ER is full of illegals with the sniffles, why not call ICE? Wouldn't they flee?
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: What a relief - Illegals don't think they are a burden!! - 28/11/07 10:27 PM

Originally posted by InfX708:

How can they claim they own the continent? They speak Spanish, as in from Spain, as in the European country. At best they are south Europeans. Just because some of them interbred with the Indianas doesn't mean that all of a sudden their Spanish blood was cleansed - otherwise they'd be indian, not hispanic. Bunch of dumbasses. Question, if an ER is full of illegals with the sniffles, why not call ICE? Wouldn't they flee?
Well, they speak Spanish, but in a way they don't.

Have you ever met anyone who came from Spain? When they are being honest and not "politically correct", they hate the Spanish that most Mexicans speak. They hate the Spanish that Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and many others speak too. They think it is a low class dialect and version of the language.

Mexico is also a very racist society. The Mexican people who are white, or caucasian and descended from Europeans (like former Presidente Fox and current Presidente Calderon) have a different social status than the other Mexicans. It is almost like an aristocratic caste system based on racial background.

You'll also never hear any gringo media people talking about the racist society in Mexico either. They are too busy hating and subverting their own country.

You also wouldn't get many illegals fleeing a hospital ER if you told them ICE was on their way. They all know how to game the system here in this country and they know that ICE would not be allowed to arrest them in a hospital ER. You'd probably also be surprised to find that many of the illegals in a hospital ER have Medicaid cards. Something you as an American citizens most likely could never get even if your life made a turn for the economic worst.