Nismo Sticker Wannabe- adds 5 hp

Posted by: UTJMAC

Nismo Sticker Wannabe- adds 5 hp - 27/02/05 02:57 PM

Would any of you Yahoo's like a free pair of Nismo stickers in exchange for sending me some pics of them mounted. I am attempting to recreate the Nismo Decal offered on 05 X's and frontiers and promote them to "classic" X buyers and/or ricers, preferabbly the former.

I need a guinea pig volunteer to offer suggestions on size, modifications, or suggestions to the design relative to the Xterra's factory color(I'm not going to put a red "O" is nismo on a red X). If got the basic design, just need to tweak it a bit. I will hopefully be cutting these decals next week.

If I get a volunteer that will follow up with me and can provide me some good pics, I will delete this post. The cleaner and more gnarly(yes I used that word) your X is, the better. No curb feelers do not count as gnarly.

Posted by: Ramstein92

Re: Nismo Sticker Wannabe- adds 5 hp - 27/02/05 03:05 PM

John, please.... smile

Posted by: UTJMAC

Re: Nismo Sticker Wannabe- adds 5 hp - 27/02/05 04:46 PM

Scott...I'll take that as a no for you. Are you back in the country?? I never heard back from you on the last email.

Posted by: Ramstein92

Re: Nismo Sticker Wannabe- adds 5 hp - 27/02/05 05:55 PM

Stickers are tacky. smile Haha j/k. People volunteer and help him out!

With regards to your email, I will be able to get you a response tomorrow.

Posted by: UTJMAC

Re: Nismo Sticker Wannabe- adds 5 hp - 27/02/05 06:11 PM

I am not a big fan of stickers either, but everything has it's market.

I'm an engineer,so this is gospel. The decal on the rear quarterpanel has a lower coefficient of friction and reduces the overall drag coefficent of the brick wall we call an Xterra in comparison to the regular paint job. It's a fuel saving mod that is totally acceptable. Also, in some parts of the country, "nismo offroad" means "don't run into the side of my truck you unintelligent deer", so it keeps deer away as well.
And it really does add 5 hp. [Freak]

It also makes a 2000-2004 X look slightly unique.

I have to stop studying for my Corporate Valuation Exam, I think I'm starting to lose it.
