Online Reviews

Posted by: Auditor_Kevin

Online Reviews - 17/05/07 09:20 AM

Hey Everyone,

I don't know about all of you, but I rely heavily on online reviews when it comes time to spend some money. Whether it's electronics, services - just about anything. As long as I can find more than a few, they're usually very accurate regarding what to expect and can actually save hours from a learning curve on a new product.

Well, last week a coworker booked a business trip to Fort Myers Beach, FL so I decided to piggyback just for some weekend R&R. Just yesterday, I stumbled onto a bunch of reviews for the hotel and was immediately horrified/entertained. Honestly, this is the worst thing I've ever seen reviewed on the internet. So bad that I think I have the script for the next great sitcom. All I have to do is print out these reviews. Just about every one would make a hilarious 25 minutes of TV.

Here's the first page of 100 reviews, 90% of which are gawdawful:

Lani Kai Hotel Reviews

Needless to say, we've cancelled those reservations and made much much much better ones.

But the whole incident has me wondering - what products/services/whatever have you seen reviewed this poorly on the internet? Post a link if you can. I'd love to read about it.