'05+ Xterra needed for ARB test fit

Posted by: Anonymous

'05+ Xterra needed for ARB test fit - 09/02/06 11:18 AM

Ok guys.

I have talked with the guys over at ARB in Washington and here's the deal. I talked with them to see if they have done a test fit for their lockers to see if they will carry over on to the next generation Xterras and they have not. They said that they just need someone that is in the Washington area that has an Xterra with a C200 rear end to do a test fit. They would also be willing to do a test fit on the R180A as well. If the install goes well and the lockers fit then the person being the test bed will be given a great deal. If you are interested please let me know. If you live in the Washington state and would like to do this please respond here and send me a pm with your contact info. You do not have to be in the Washington state to be a test bed. They just need your truck. I have no idea of the amount of down time would be involved with this process.
