Fog light on chrysler autos.

Posted by: Anonymous

Fog light on chrysler autos. - 20/05/04 06:20 AM

Not that it really matters to me, but i thought that fog lights are illegal to have on with just the parking lights? If so why do you see so many jeeps, durangos, and other varies factory cars with factory installed fogs, on with just the parking lights?

Just a question..
Posted by: OffroadX

Re: Fog light on chrysler autos. - 20/05/04 07:10 AM

I didn't find the statute for New Jersey (well, gave up after a couple of minutes) but here are the relevant Maryland statutes:
§ 22-201.2. Use of headlights or fog lights when windshield wipers are operated.
(a) When required.- Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, if a driver of a vehicle on a highway operates the vehicle's windshield wipers for a continuous period of time because of impaired visibility resulting from unfavorable atmospheric conditions, the driver shall light the vehicle's headlamps or fog lights.

§ 22-217. Spot lamps, fog lamps, and auxiliary driving lamps.
(b) Fog lamps.- Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed two fog lamps mounted on the front at a height of not more than 30 inches nor less than 12 inches above the level surface on which the vehicle stands, and so aimed that, when the vehicle is not loaded, none of the high-intensity portion of the light to the left of the center of the vehicle shall, at a distance of 25 feet ahead, project higher than a level of 4 inches below the level of the center of the lamp from which it comes. Lighted fog lamps meeting these requirements may be used with lower headlamp beams as specified in § 22-222 (a) (2) of this subtitle.
(c) Auxiliary driving lamps.- Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed two auxiliary driving lamps mounted on the front at a height of not more than 42 inches nor less than 16 inches above the level surface on which the vehicle stands. The provisions of § 22-222 of this subtitle apply to any combination of headlamps and auxiliary driving lamps

§ 22-222. Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
(a) In general.- Except as otherwise provided in the Maryland Vehicle Law, the headlamps or the auxiliary driving lamp or combination thereof on motor vehicles, other than motorcycles, shall be so arranged that the driver may select at will between distributions of light projected to different elevations, and the lamps, in addition, may be so arranged that the selection can be made automatically, subject to the following limitations:
(2) There shall be a lowermost distribution of light, or composite beam, so aimed and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least 150 feet ahead; and
(3) On a straight level road under any condition of loading, none of the high-intensity portion of the beam may be directed to strike the eyes of an approaching driver.

As I read it, the use of fog lights without the primary head lights isn't specifically prohibited, at least based on the wording of 22-201.2a, since it states "headlamps or fog lights" can be used to meet the requirement. 22-217(b) says they may be used with the low beams, not "may only" be used with low beams, so I don't see it as a requirement.

However, unless I'm underestimating your typical fog light, the requirement that fog lights may direct the high-intensity portion of their beam no higher than 4 inches below the bulb at 25 feet would indicate that no properly aimed fog light can't possibly satisfy the requirement of 22-222.2 that the lighting must reveal persons and vehicles at least 150 feet ahead.

I find it funny that the minimum heigh of fog lights is 12" above the ground. How many vehicles can you think of that have factory ones lower than that already?

I'm sure there are states that aren't as strict, but as for the legality of offering factory fog lights that can be operated independently that don't meet the requirements of all 50 states, I think that they're leaving it open to the owner to understand what is appropriate use of the fog lights and use them accordingly.

The only case that comes to mind where a manufacturer's factory equipment is in direct violation of state law and the manufacturer had to react is the case of the Jeep Liberty Renegade. The light cluster on the roof violates West Virgina law, even with the included light covers. Lights may not be mounted above a certain height and Jeep cannot sell the Renegade in WV.
