2000 XE stereo wiring help

Posted by: kaqy

2000 XE stereo wiring help - 08/06/10 11:28 AM

Can someone tell me what colors run to the rear speakers? Trying to get everything back to factory from the previous owner and just having fronts sounds like an AM station all the time...:) Thanks!
Posted by: e207

Re: 2000 XE stereo wiring help - 08/06/10 11:38 AM

I do not know what colors are what, but if they were already cut for another install, the easiest way to find out what is what, is to disconnect your battery, then use a 9volt, AA, D or C Cell battery and connect two wires to it, it will make a small "pop" or "click" sound when you hit the right wires, it will also help you find out for sure which is left and right. just dont forget to disconnect the car battery, so as not to connect wires that shouldnt be connected!
Posted by: FoxFive0

Re: 2000 XE stereo wiring help - 11/06/10 12:35 PM

That would work however then you run the risk of wiring the speaker backwards. The only way that trick works is if you can see the speaker moving outword then you know you have positive to positive and negative to negative. If you wire it backwards the speaker will project the sound into your door. SO the best thing to do would be to try and find a wiring diagram. Unless you still have the time to search and see every wire.... which is tough.

May I ask though why you would want to return to factory?