calmini make a 3 pack please

Posted by: XtesseinXE02

calmini make a 3 pack please - 17/05/03 07:15 AM

I don't know if calmini or any of the other manufacturer's check up on this board, but I felt compelled to write this anyway. I've heard a lot of negative stuff about SLR in the past, and I continue to hear it. Usually only hear positives about Calmini.

Recently I decided to start purchasing suspension lift products. I called calmini and talked to someone who was very nice. Very helpful and I plan to do business with them in the future. Unfortunately they dont' sell the product I wanted. A 3 pack add a leaf.

I decided I would give SLR a try. The person who answered the phone was extremely rude and disinterested in helping me. The payment method I preferred (which was an accepted payment by them) wasn't good enough and he asked if I could find alternate means. Making matters worse a couple of people in NJAX who ordered very similar things told me there were still waiting for their products they ordered about a week before me. When they called (just as I did) they asked if everything was in stock... guess that wasn't true.

Sorry about the rant....

My point is this.... Calmini please look into making a 3 pack AAL (if you haven't already). I think a lot more Xers would rather buy from you then anyone else. By no means am I an expert in business, but it seems like this simple addition to your line up would increase sales... because I know in my case I ordered other products just to save on shipping.
Posted by: CALMINI Products Inc.

Re: calmini make a 3 pack please - 17/05/03 09:32 AM

XtesseinXE02, we don't make a 3 pack leaf because we don't think it's the proper application given the thickness of the leafs used in the spring already. Adding a third leaf for sake of offering one more than what we are completely satisfied with design-wise seems a little competitive rather than needed. Call me and let me give you some info as to our design criteria.
Posted by: XtesseinXE02

Re: calmini make a 3 pack please - 17/05/03 05:26 PM

Thanks for the response Calmini.... This is why I will only order from you guys from now on. By the way, nice new bumper