Magnetic Ride Control

Posted by: Mike Supercharged

Magnetic Ride Control - 13/03/05 06:50 AM

Hey everyone,

I'm doing a small marketing project on a new suspension system developed by Nasa that is now starting to be implemented on some new vehicles (Cadillac's, Corvette, etc) It's called Magnetical Ride Control (MRC)

Basically, its a liquid filled shock that uses magnets to dampen the impact of the road on your vehicle using metal(iron fillings) in the liquid that line up when a magnet is applied.

I'm hoping to get a little feedback on some possible offroad applications that this may serve in the furture. Basic question: Can you see this type of system be of advantage if installed on a vejicle for offroad purposes? Here's a couple sites with a quick descprition of exactly what it does.

Any questions, thoughts, opinions on this system will be greatly appreciated. This is for my own educational purposes only.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Magnetic Ride Control - 14/03/05 10:28 AM

with a smart enough computer, sensors to determine how far the shocks are from the ends, sonor to look at the road just in front of the truck, and a few g-sensors the shocks could be used to prevent bottoming out (by getting stiffer when it sees a big bump ahead) but still being softer when the bump is small enough not to bottom out the truck.