BITD Vegas 300 video

Posted by: fastdrmr

BITD Vegas 300 video - 12/11/06 09:54 AM

Dave found this video of the first 10 minutes inside the 8131 truck driven by Robby Woolworth - which so happens to be my wife's cousin's husband driving.

The experience as recorded on the video is exactly what it was like being passenger in the XterraRacer. It was right around the 10 minute mark that we lost the 4x4.

Its hard to tell but this truck (and the X) spent alot of time in the air.


Here's the video:

These are pix of his truck:
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: BITD Vegas 300 video - 13/11/06 05:48 PM


Too bad it was not better quality video. It sure does look like what you saw from the passenger side.
The big difference is we did the passing!!!

You have that CD I gave you of the in car from the X. Can you load some of tha, so all can see how bad it tosses the occupants around inside? You could even do thread with the interviews.