touchy dashboard

Posted by: Anonymous

touchy dashboard - 16/05/06 08:42 PM

My X seems pretty rugged except for the plastic material used for the dash and interior. It so easy to scratch and I haven't found a way to remove/polish the scratches away. I have scratches by the ignition with my keys, a couple on the glove box, a couple in the back storage. It going to look like hell soon. What is the deal? Is the re a easy fix? I have graphite colored interior.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: touchy dashboard - 16/05/06 08:54 PM

somebody had a art supply store artists marker which matched the color. basically its a sharpie fix and a little smoothing over of the edge.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: touchy dashboard - 17/05/06 08:05 PM

I had/have what sounds likea similar problem but i could fix most of the scratches easily. If they are shallow try an Armor All wipe or something similar- it freshens up the whitened plastic and makes it look MUCH MUCH less severe. For deeper scratches i tried a nail file, kinda crzy ik, but it worked fairly well and then i used the wipes afterword and all that was left was an almost unrecognizable sliver in teh plastic. If the scratches are deeper than that.. gl because im sure we will eventually have the same problem.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: touchy dashboard - 17/05/06 11:01 PM

A heat gun or hair dryer will do the same trick. Be careful not to put the heat too close, or you'll smooth it out too much and have shiny spots though. I'll take a heat gun, put it about a foot away, and quickly warm up the area so I can smooth it back out with my finger. It's not a perfect art, but it's close enough that I can't see them unless I look for them.