WolfmanX's first post before he erased and changed it:
Originally posted by WolfmanX:
We can only hope the new owner of your X isn't a jackass like you.
Have a nice life.
Oh and.. you are quite easy to forget, don't flatter yourself.
His current quote.
Originally posted by WolfmanX:
gone.. and completely forgotten!
clever post.
You should be happy. You are the topic of many campfire stories. When "crazy cary" went completely off the deep end. It usually makes for a good laugh.
Obviously not forgotten since this one of your paparazzi pictures you took behind my back from close-up one year ago.
Your paparazzi cohort took other pictures with a long lens from 300-400 yards away. When you did absolute
NOTHING but leave me. Only to mock me later on SCCX. Only to brag about who thoughtful you were later that day at
CCX\'s roadside memorial. Xterrah obviously has not forgotten about me. She mocked me in her
February 22, 2006 post... 10 months after you took the picture.
The irony is she mocked me on the very
same day that she did a silent post for a
Fallen Friend. Originally posted by krisjon:
Now Chris (CCX) has a buddy to wheel with up there. God bless.
Actions truly speak louder then words.
Mock me a year ago with yours and others regurgitated lies.
You obviously have not forgot how funny it is to mock someone who was pre-running the trip you were going on.
I bought my first 4x4 two years before you were born.
You are half my age but our daughter at age 9 thinks more about other people then you do.
Originally posted by WolfmanX:
Xterrah.. that was perfect!! you are a god! I bow to you!
I was stuck for 2 days not 4.
I got stuck in the afternoon not "the middle of the night".
A back-hoe broke a hydraulic line. It was not trying to get me out. It was trying to get 5 SUV's and 2 motorcycles out a
MONTH before I was on Soda Lake. I got stuck in the filled in pit he dug.
Your "leader" would later hide in SCCX and blame me for everyone else's damage. He would call the BLM and offer SCCX's help in all the damage I caused. Just more internet boasting. It was actually NPS area. He would have known that if he had bothered to "jump thru hoops" to get the necessary permit for the Mojave Preserve. The three times I lead... we had a permit. How many times has your "leader" had a permit while leading? The same amount that he helped me. Zero.
That is why I said, "You wouldn't believe the amount of work it took for SCCX members to free my X!" The answer to that April Fools Joke is zero work... except for the cowardly pictures you took behind my back.
And you call me a jackass?
You ran like a puppy when Xtoolbox said on the radio, "We got to go. We have a schedule to keep". The person you and others would later brag about honoring on the internet... would never have left.
How was CCX's memorial service in Monterey? Oh, that's right you never went.
Originally posted by krisjon:
Giving Toolbox props after you shredded him (not to mention our entire club) time after time on this site. How ironic, Cary.
Have a nice life.
In your first post... you obviously think Xtoolbox was responsible for the things in the pictures. The true irony is he always took credit for the good and hides behind people when he screws up.
This was Xtoolbox driving my X on the Rubicon Trail. I told him to his face to let me post first when we got back. He agreed only to break his promise and post how he conquered the Con. Never once even mentioning me.
The next month he rolled his X because as the "leader" he was doing as he
always does... leaving everyone in his dust literally. He then lied to everyone on the internet saying he sold it because it was too small. Lied to my face. Lied to my wife's face.
CALX 2000. I took unpaid time off work to go to Big Sur. That was when I first met CCX. In August 2000.
Let me repeat that incase you missed it.
EVERYONE OF THE 35 PLUS SCCX TRIPS I WENT ON WAS UNPAID TIME OFF WORK.I went up early. I was asked to save campsites for Xtoolbox and others. They gave me their tents to set-up. I pre-ran all the trails that day. The next day I got kicked out of the campgrounds for helping others save campsites. I spent the rest of CALX 2000 living in a campground 11 miles up the mountain, 11 miles away from the beach, 11 miles away from my wife, 4 year old daughter and in-laws and their kids. Law enforcement was called after Xtoolbox got it a altercation with the camp host.
How was CALX in 2005? Oh, thats right it never happened.
How was the 2005 SCCXmas Party? Oh, that right it never happened. I hosted the first three years.
You actually think Xtoolbox was responsible for organizing the Nissan Commercial shot? You actually think he was responsible for negotiations that got everyone $400 instead of $0? You think he was the radio relay between the director and the 30 trucks?
You really are gullible...
You actually think
Xtoolbox\'s hard work got national coverage of GONEMoab? You actually think he called the editor of FourWheeler Magazine... made a appointment and visited the office to pitch coverage of the first group of Xterra's to do Moab? You actually think he got the national coverage for how good Xterra's are off road and promoted XOC?
You really are gullible...
Originally posted by krisjon:
Yeah, everyone in SCCX is really going to miss you, too.
Have a nice life. Hope you find a rubber room that fits ya.
Yea... I can see you will miss the maturity. Just look at what your newest immature member considers "off-roading".
Two out of the five BOD members have laughed off this immature action and the idiot now is proud of his new signature of The Infamous "Steeple Stepper".
WolfmanX a member of the SCCX BOD had suggested...
"I like "Church Crawler", or "cross crawler". You must not eat sugar for 4 days now to make up for your wrong doings! (or what ever it is they do)."I am considered Public Enemy Number One... but people are afraid "Steeple Stepper" will leave if someone makes him feel bad about his bad immature behavior.
Anyone who complains about SCCX's website being down gets more grief then the Infamous "Steeple Stepper".
I don't need a rubber room. Obviously SCCX is a big enough room for some people with small maturity and large egos. Why do you think
Blueleader and others have left the NEW SCCX? You can bounce around in your Hawaii / SCCX room all you want. "Our entire club"? You have not even lived on the same continent as California for a year and a half. I missed 11 months because I worked every Saturday and Sunday and could no longer take off even as I had for
YEARS unpaid.
The very first Sunday I can get off,
(unpaid) my daughter and I go on the Last Chance Canyon Xcursion. CCCX said at the drive meeting, in the campgrounds, that he wanted me to lead the group. I declined knowing that Xtoolbox had raced ahead to the entrance to the canyon.
I got slammed for "web wheeling" with SCCX and not going on runs. Somehow it is okay for you since you have as much chance as going on runs as I do. I guess you provide a valuable service for SCCX. You moderate the SCCX section on XOC. You protect SCCX's image... our what you consider "shredding". Good Boy.
A BOD member lives near the Atlantic Ocean! Will at least he is on the same continent.
By the way the title, "Gone but not forgotten" was in reference to the OLD SCCX. I was also implying that our Xterra would be missed. I ordered it when our daughter was 2. We got it when she was 3. She is now closer to 10 then 9. WolfmanX was 16. Your so vain you probable thought this post was about something else. But it did prove your love for me and how gullible you are for April Fool's. :p