Larry's wife is at John Muir with somthing or other.. So I guess I will have to go to work tomorrow [Crybaby] ..

0700 [ South Bay ]
KaiOtiK -AKA- Andy

0800 [ Pleasant Hill ]
SLOMatt & Jalopy
Huey - AKA - Lazy

0830 [ Best Buy in Fairfield?]

1045 [ Corning ]

Solano Mall
1350 Travis Blvd.
Fairfield, CA 94533-4695

600 Edith St.
Corning, CA 96021
ph: (530) 824-2467

0800 Meet at Montgomery Ward in Pleasant Hill
0830 Meet at Solano Mall parking lot in Fairfield
1015 Arrive at/Meet Safeway in Corning (30 min. max break)
1045 Leave Safeway in Corning
1115 Arrive at Red Bluff for gas stop (15 min.)
1130 Leave Red Bluff for Paynes Creek
1210 Arrive at Paynes Creek
1240 Arrive at the Trail head

Communication: CB Ch. 25 & FRS Ch.8-0

If someone doesn't show up on time at a meeting place, please take off and move onto Safeway in Corning and chill out, I mean, wait there.