one thing that usually isn't covered are the risks and tensions increased with body lifts. By using a body lift on any vehicle without a interior rollcage you allow a large amount of stress to compound on the frame of your vehicle. Suspension kits do not give any tension on the fram since the lift aspect is not touching the frame. Body lifts connect directly onto stability points on the vehicles frame and changing the ratio of force per square inch on the vehicles foundation.

I used to run prerunners down south and one of the biggest destroyers of vehicles were body lifts installed without the backing strength of a rollcage. I can't tell you how many vehicles, both two wheel and four wheel drive, we encountered on the trail with bent, twisted, broken, hinged, or otherwise destroyed frames due to wheeling and body lift combinations. This is just information I learned and picked up on the trails down there so I figure I would share it with others.

Suspension lifts are much safer and definitely don't
cause an excess of tension to the frame, limited the amount of risk on the vehicle. there you go!