Well Everyone,

I finally installed my Calmini Steering System installed Saturday, Thanx to Huey...

I started taking everything apart @ 1:30pm, and got the job completed @ 10:30pm...

The most difficult part was removing the old pitman arm & we had to re-thread both upper tie-rod ends...

Thanx Huey for all your help...I couldn't of done it without you...

It took 2 hours on to get it aligned, but now it drives great. It's really solid and I'm still able to use my steering stabilizer. WoW, What a difference...

I'd like to thank Calmini for all their aftermarket parts & the effort it takes to design & manufacture them for us all to use...

PS: Also, I picked up a Garmin StreetPilot GPS today at Fry's Electronics for $299.00. I don't know how to use it yet, but I'll learn...I was wondering if anyone had any streetmaps, & off-road maps I could borrow???

Thanx Again Huey For Your Help,
Best Regards,
Andy -AKA- KaiOtiK
"rEaLiTy iS tHe ExIsTeNz Of CoUpLeD vIsUaLiZaTiOn"