Yikes, hope Marty can get a hold of the guy for you Gary.

Anyways here are a few hints on pulling the t-case out of the truck:

-drain both the transmission and t-case of all oil
-jack up the front of the x and place two jackstands under the frame
-pull both t-bars out (you will need the space)
-remove the cover in the cabin for the tranmission
-unplug the 3(?) electrical connecter plugs
-remove the front and rear driveshafts (remember to mark them so that they re-align during install)
-now start removing the bolts that hold the t-case to the trans (some will require access from inside the cabin)
-once all the bolts have been removed, lightly support the t-case with a jack (preferably a trans jack, but a floor jack will do in a pinch)
-then carefully pry the t-case from the trans with a screwdriver. you will need an oil pan as there will still be a bit of oil that will leak out.
-slowly pull the t-case toward the back the truck till you can claer the input shaft
-here's the tricky bit, carefully rotate the t-case out from below the truck

**having a second set of hands will make life easier, but I pulled mine myself while swearing and yelling. [LOL]

Those directions are quite simplified, but you will find it quite straight forward once you start. Also having a good selection of extensions for your ratchet will definately help.