Wow you guys make some excellent points. To be honest with you I would try all this stuff myself except I don't have the tools to make it happen. I have some basic know how but not sure if I have enough to tackle things like repacking the bearings.............changing the spark plugs...changing the diff/transfer case fluid (don't have the right tools for that)? I do have a Haynes manual at home so maybe I will read through it tonight and see if I want to get into this myself. Changing the air filter is not a problem since I have the FIPK.....and I have heard that changing the fuel filter is an easy thing to do.

Your right I think the dealership charges $380 for their 60,000 service. There is another local shop I know of that will do 60000 factory service intervals for cheaper I think I will check them on the way home. Nice thing is if I do decide to do this myself......which I probably should I could learn alot in the process.....I can do it over a few days since the X is not my daily driver and I could leave it on jacks for a few days while I knock things off the list.

How tough is changing out the oil in both diffs and transfer case? I imagine the hard part is just getting to it?

Of course....I could always try to bribe some of you with the know how and tools to help me finish off what I need help with to get this 60,000 mile mark done? If I were to provide the parts and fluids and a majority of the elbow grease......and you provided the tools and know how and some assistant elbow grease.....I could see a gift certificate making it into your hands to the restuarant or store of your choice? Also pizza delivery would be on me for that day. laugh I would be looking at doing things like packing the bearings.......drain and replace both diff fluids.....drain and replace transfer case. Could we get all that done in a day it seems like ALOT.

Anyway....let me know if anyone is interested....may help me decide to do all this on my own.

"You really love animals don't you Ace?"......"If it gets cold enough." -- Ace Ventura, Pet Detective