Ok... I just got back from my first trip to Barnwell and was very impressed... on this issue:

1. Where would the put it?
2. Should the cost be divided amongst all
members of the group?
3. How many members do we have and what would
be the additional cost?
4. If the "smell factor" came into play, would
Clyde be willing to accomodate?

It seems like if they put it back towards Angry Jeep, it wouldn't be too bothersome, and would actually come in pretty handy... I know I could have used it this morning! laugh It seems to all boil down to cost... I'd be willing to spend a few extra dollars on membership to keep a campsite that I will hardly ever use... It seems to be a great site... But, I do agree that this whole issue kinda "stinks"...
Everything you need, if you don't mind the b.s.

West Ham UFC -- Come On You Irons!!!

